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30 Medium Shows

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$ 12.19 per month, billed monthly
or $ 94.00 to purchase
prices all includes sales tax
Save up to 30 shows on the console. Each with 30 media files of max 15 MB.

Have you recently lost a show because you can't find it on any of your USB sticks?

Save 30 Shows

Save more directly on your console and avoid messing around with countless USB sticks. The 30 Medium Shows module enables you to save up to 30 shows on the console.

Save Medium Shows

Have you started creating truely emersive audiovisual experiences by adding media to your show using the Media Control module. With the 30 Medium Shows module, you can save a maximum of 30 media files per show with a maximum size of 15 MB each

Saving Shows on Your Console

On Ray Console you can save your shows directly on the console. Out of the box it is possible to save up to 10 shows on the console. If you run out of space on your console there are a number of options. You could delete old shows you no longer need. You can back up shows on a USB stick, and only keep shows you are actively working on in the console. Alternatively you can purchase or subscribe to a number of modules below and increase the maximum number of shows.
Generally Ray Console show files are small, however when you start adding media to your shows they quickly increase in size. Initially you can save a maximum of 10 media files per show with a maximum size of 5 MB each.

What if I Downgrade?

No shows will be deleted. If you have 25 shows saved on the console, they will remain on the console. However, you will not be able to save a new show until you have reduced the number of shows back down to 10.
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