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Gobo Control

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$ 15.44 per month, billed monthly
or $ 116.22 to purchase
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Select Gobo Wheel, Select Gobo, Recently Selected Gobos, Gobo Faders

Bewilder and awe your audience with full control of your gobos. Set up to 3 different gobos on the same device and adjust rotation of gobos on each wheel independently.


Gobo Picker

The notoriously difficult control of gobo wheels has been simplifed for Ray Console into a clear an intuitive gobo picker. Each different selected device is listed with a small graphic showing their gobo wheel. Select a gobo wheel to choose a gobo and move the on screen fader to set rotation of that gobo. Up to three gobo wheels can be controlled per device.


Recently Selected Gobos

Along the bottom of the gobo picker are the recently selected gobos. Simply tap a recently selected gobo to apply it to a device. Ray Console will help you out if you try and select a recent gobo that is not available on the current device.


Gobo Faders

The Gobo dialogues are extended with on screen faders for every gobo wheel on every type of device selected. As with the gobo picker, it is impossible to select gobo wheels across multiple different types of devices. So gobo wheels have to be selected for each type of device separately. The name of the selected gobo is shown under the fader name if available. The DMX range for each gobo is indicated on the on screen fader.


Smart Selection Error Management

If you forget to select a device, Ray Console will simply ask you which device you wish to colour. This is just one way that Ray Console helps you out when something does not go according to plan.


What if I Downgrade?

All saved gobos in Memories or Steps will remain and they will be loaded when you open a saved show. However, the Gobo dialogue in the Light View will not be available so you will not be able to select new gobos. You will still be able to set your device to have no gobo by selecting the [Delete] button and then the device.


  1. Module In Progress
    This module is currently being developed.

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